To institute career oriented courses related to education through distance learning/ correspondence courses; to develop courses of education in various subjects. To remove the obstacles for providing secondary and senior secondary education to the disadvantaged sections of the society and to bring disadvantaged groups in the fold of mainstream of secondary/ senior secondary education, to provide facilities for studies and research in Indian classical languages; To develop as a centre of excellence in the field of teaching, training and research related to literature and allied branches of knowledge in various languages; To establish/ affiliate schools for study of literature and allied branches of knowledge; to conduct examinations at secondary/senior secondary levels as per the guidelines laid down, to develop courses of instruction related to various languages and sciences up to Secondary/Higher Secondary level; To prepare `database’ on open schooling and to conduct online and offline examination of secondary , senior secondary level in all over country and to announce the results of concerned examination and release certificates to passed candidates time to time; To develop and conduct methodologies practicable to languages, including Sanskrit, with innovations; and to promote information education in various languages of the country, to provide hostels & residential accommodation that may be considered necessary for the student & for each member of the staff that may be made eligible for it; To establish & maintain institution for the handicapped & for adult education, like vocational training in vocation of household industry, semi – skilled jobs for self-employment, short hand & type – writing, and social science, Languages, Fine arts. Crafts, music, painting, modeling, physical training etc.; To organize educational and vocational training programme with special concern for deprived sections, women/girls and unemployment youth to provide new skills, refine/sharpen/up-grade the existing skills. To give affiliation for schools and colleges, to open information centers in all over India for providing information of Education & Health, to organize conferences, summits seminars, meeting, discussion, debates, study courses, and to conduct short term and long term vocational courses/training for the cause of society. To open training camps and workshops for the development of arts, plays and culture and raise funds through subscriptions, donations, trade to fulfill the aims and objects, to publish books, encyclopedias, monographs and study materials; To help freedom fighters, widows/war widows and orphans and running schools, colleges & similar institutions, To start, establish, run or manage and maintain schools for cultural development of the masses especially in the field of dance, (all types of classical including kathakali etc, music both Indian and western etc.); To impart free education and cultural training to the poor, helpless, handicapped and needy children/students, to establish and maintain institutions for adult education with the consent of the concerned authorities; To provide physiotherapy, speech therapy, functional & occupational therapy to rehabilitation of the all age people. To provide adult education, to provide health education, physical education and various martial arts, kung-fu, karate, jeet, kune do ideology, philosophy and skills; To strive to meet changing need of providing comprehensive education to develop various facets of personality and to impart education to children on the most modern lines & provide an environment congenial to growth & development of the children, To arrange & organize the social, cultural & educational programmes from time to time. To undertake, organize, conduct and facilitate, Courses, conference, lecture, research and education on various aspects and of science, technology, Society and other fields. To train the downtrodden people in general for human resource development in view of the emerging needs such as database development, resource survey methodologies, computer, environmental studies, health, education, and engineering. To undertake and promote the publication & translation of journal, research papers and books and to develop the audio-visual programmed to disseminate knowledge pertaining to the objectives of the Society, To protest and fight against the injustice against people, to encourage and promote family welfare activities among needy people. To aid or establish any institution technical or otherwise, to promote education of art, Science or other related fields for the benefit of downtrodden and weaker sections of the Society, to communicate and coordinate with the Govt. Local and public authorities on various issues related to development welfare and public interest on different subjects. To issue appeals raise funds and accept gifts, donation subscriptions in cash or in kind and any property either movable or immovable for the achievement of the objective of the Society.
Haryana 125055, India
Mon to Fri 9am to 6pm
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